The Effect of Analytical Metacognitive Therapy on Reducing Residual Anxiety and Depression of Nurses in Covid-19 Wards
Introduction: Nurses play an important role in preventing and controlling diseases. Therefore, maintaining their mental health is considered important for disease control. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of analytical metacognitive therapy on reducing residual anxiety and depression of nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: This research followed a semi-experimental (quantitative) design of type A-B with several baselines. The statistical population of the study included all nurses suffering from residual anxiety and depression disorders of Zahedan city. One person was purposefully selected and underwent metacognitive analytical therapy. For data analysis, the intra-situational and inter-situational visual analysis was used. Results: Findings revealed that the data of the baseline and intervention stages had a good non-overlap. Tau-U values were 0.88 and 0.89 for anxiety and depression, respectively. Hedges-g value was 2.67 for both variables, and the scores of stable change index were -127.5 and -110.5 respectively, which were higher than +1.96 and -1.96, revealing increased scores with high effect size and reliable change. Conclusion: According to the findings of the present study, in order to reduce anxiety and depression of nurses, metacognitive-analytic treatment can be used.
Rahim Shahbakhsh
Ali Soleimani
Mohsen Kachooei
Hojatollah Farahani